
As the RAINSNOW Family, our goals that we will implement to help extend the life of our products are as follows. We have set ourselves a goal to ensure that all the products we produce are made from recycled, reusable, organic or responsibly obtained renewable fabrics derived from materials that will be renewed for life. Nature is at the center of everything we do. For this reason, we have created goals that keep us on the path to sustainability. Being more conscious and innovative in creating products from a sustainable shopping experience Creating you a second chance can give you a lot of ideas on how to extend the life of your equipment and used equipment – it is our task to minimize our impact on the places we explore.

Every second, garbage is stored or burned in the equivalent of a garbage truck. This means that a large part of the material used in the clothing industry ends up as waste.

Our first step to address this is to use more sustainable materials when designing our products. Ultimately, our goal is to develop cyclical systems for recycling second-hand products, reusing raw materials and keeping them out of the waste stream. Despite the fact that there are attempts to keep the equipment of the landfill, products designed for cyclicality will be available for sale. October addition, it is necessary to combat waste and we are on the way to achieving our goal with all our products. We are committed to working with our suppliers to reduce their footprint in nature. We also cooperate with retailers who share both our mission and our values. These efforts will have positive effects on the sector in general beyond the RAINSNOW Brand. Every second, textile products equivalent to a truck dump are burned or thrown into landfills. This product adventure doesn’t need to end here. We can give them a second chance. With these products under the RAINSNOW Brand